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Contentbox headline
NameHealthExperience Summonable ManaConvinceable ManaRace
a carved stone tile 100 0 --- --- Undead
Achad 185 70 --- --- Blood
Acolyte Of The Cult 390 300 --- --- Blood
Adept Of The Cult 430 400 --- --- Blood
Amazon 110 60 390 390 Blood
Ancient Scarab 1000 720 --- --- Venom
Apprentice Sheng 95 100 --- --- Blood
Ashmunrah 5000 3100 --- --- Undead
Assassin 175 105 --- 450 Blood
Avalanche 550 305 --- --- Undead
Axeitus Headbanger 365 140 --- --- Blood
Azure Frog 60 20 305 --- Blood
Badger 23 5 200 200 Blood
Bandit 245 65 450 450 Blood
Banshee 1000 900 --- --- Undead
Barbarian Bloodwalker 305 195 --- 590 Blood
Barbarian Brutetamer 145 90 --- --- Blood
Barbarian Headsplitter 100 85 --- 450 Blood
Barbarian Skullhunter 135 85 --- 450 Blood
Bat 30 10 250 250 Blood
Bear 80 23 300 300 Blood
Behemoth 4000 2500 --- --- Blood
Beholder 260 170 --- --- Venom
Betrayed Wraith 4200 3500 --- --- Undead
Black Knight 1800 1600 --- --- Blood
Black Sheep 20 0 250 250 Blood
Blazing Fire Elemental 650 450 --- --- Fire
Blightwalker 8900 5850 --- --- Undead
Blistering Fire Elemental 1500 1300 --- --- Fire
Blood Crab 290 160 505 --- Undead
Bloodpaw 100 50 --- --- Blood
Blue Djinn 330 215 --- --- Blood
Bonebeast 515 580 --- --- Undead
Bonelord 260 170 --- --- Venom
Bones 9500 3750 --- --- Undead
Bovinus 150 60 --- --- Blood
Braindeath 1225 895 --- --- Undead
Brutus Bloodbeard 1200 500 --- --- Blood
Bug 29 18 250 250 Venom
Butterfly 2 0 --- --- Venom
butterfly 2 0 --- --- Venom
Carniphila 255 150 --- --- Venom
Carrion Worm 145 70 --- 380 Blood
Cave Rat 30 10 250 250 Blood
Centipede 70 34 335 --- Venom
Chakoya Toolshaper 80 40 --- --- Blood
Chakoya Tribewarden 68 40 --- 305 Blood
Chakoya Windcaller 84 48 --- 305 Blood
Chicken 15 0 220 220 Blood
Cobra 65 30 275 --- Blood
Colerian The Barbarian 265 90 --- --- Blood
Coral Frog 60 20 305 --- Blood
Countess Sorrow 7200 5150 --- --- Undead
Crab 55 30 305 305 Undead
Crimson Frog 60 20 305 --- Blood
Crocodile 105 40 350 350 Blood
Crypt Shambler 330 195 --- 580 Undead
Crystal Spider 1250 900 --- --- Undead
Cursed Gladiator 435 215 --- --- Undead
Cyclops 260 150 490 490 Blood
Darakan The Executioner 3500 1600 --- --- Blood
Dark Apprentice 225 100 --- --- Blood
Dark Magician 325 185 --- --- Blood
Dark Monk 190 145 --- 480 Blood
Dark Torturer 7350 4650 --- --- Undead
Deadeye Devious 2000 500 --- --- Blood
Deathbringer 8440 5100 --- --- Undead
Deathslicer 1000 0 --- --- Undead
Deathspawn 225 20 --- --- Blood
Deaththrower 100 0 --- --- Undead
Deer 25 0 260 260 Blood
Defiler 3650 3700 --- --- Venom
Demodras 4500 4000 --- --- Blood
Demon 8200 6000 --- --- Fire
Demon Skeleton 400 240 620 620 Undead
Demon Summoner 100 0 --- --- Undead
Destroyer 3700 2500 --- --- Undead
Dharalion 380 380 --- --- Blood
Diabolic Imp 2900 1950 --- --- Fire
Dipthrah 4200 2900 --- --- Undead
Dire Penguin 173 120 --- --- Blood
Dog 20 0 220 220 Blood
Dracola 15850 7750 --- --- Undead
Dragon 1000 700 --- --- Blood
Dragon Lord 1900 2100 --- --- Blood
Drasilla 1320 700 --- --- Blood
Dryad 310 190 --- --- Blood
Dwarf 90 45 320 320 Blood
Dwarf Dispenser 100 0 --- --- Energy
Dwarf Geomancer 380 265 --- --- Blood
Dwarf Guard 245 165 650 650 Blood
Dwarf Miner 120 60 420 420 Blood
Dwarf Soldier 135 70 360 360 Blood
Dworc Fleshhunter 85 40 --- 0 Blood
Dworc Venomsniper 80 35 --- 0 Blood
Dworc Voodoomaster 80 55 --- 0 Blood
Efreet 550 410 --- --- Blood
Elder Beholder 500 280 --- --- Blood
Elder Bonelord 500 280 --- --- Blood
Elephant 320 160 500 500 Blood
Elf 100 42 320 320 Blood
Elf Arcanist 220 175 --- --- Blood
Elf Scout 160 75 360 360 Blood
Enlightened Of The Cult 700 500 --- --- Blood
Eye Of The Seven 100 0 --- --- Venom
Fallen Mooh'Tah Master Ghar 8000 4400 --- --- Blood
Fernfang 400 400 --- --- Blood
Ferumbras 50000 12000 --- --- Venom
Filth Toad 185 90 --- --- Blood
Fire Devil 200 145 530 530 Blood
Fire Elemental 280 220 690 690 Fire
Flamethrower 100 0 --- --- Undead
Flamingo 25 0 250 250 Blood
Fluffy 4500 3550 --- --- Blood
Football 100 5 --- --- Undead
Foreman Kneebiter 445 570 --- --- Blood
Frost Dragon 1800 2100 --- --- Undead
Frost Giant 270 150 --- 490 Blood
Frost Giantess 275 150 --- 490 Blood
Frost Troll 55 23 300 300 Blood
Frostfur 65 35 --- --- Blood
Fury 4100 4500 --- --- Blood
Gargoyle 250 150 --- --- Undead
Gazer 120 90 --- --- Venom
General Murius 550 300 --- --- Blood
Ghazbaran 60000 15000 --- --- Fire
Ghost 150 120 --- --- Undead
Ghoul 100 85 450 450 Blood
Giant Spider 1300 900 --- --- Venom
Gnorre Chyllson 7150 4000 --- --- Blood
Goblin 50 25 290 290 Blood
Goblin Leader 75 50 290 290 Blood
Green Djinn 330 215 --- --- Blood
Green Frog 25 0 250 250 Venom
Grimgor Guteater 1155 670 --- --- Blood
Grorlam 3000 2400 --- --- Blood
Grynch Clan Goblin 80 4 --- --- Blood
Hacker 430 45 --- 0 Blood
Hairman The Huge 600 335 --- --- Blood
Hand Of Cursed Fate 7500 5000 --- --- Blood
Hell Hole 100 0 --- --- Undead
Hellfire Fighter 3800 3900 --- --- Fire
Hellhound 7500 6800 --- --- Blood
Hero 1400 1200 --- --- Blood
Hunter 150 150 --- 530 Blood
Husky 140 0 420 420 Blood
Hyaena 60 20 275 275 Blood
Hydra 2350 2100 --- --- Blood
Ice Golem 385 295 --- --- Undead
Ice Witch 650 580 --- --- Blood
Infernal Frog 655 190 --- --- Blood
Island Troll 50 20 --- --- Blood
Juggernaut 20000 14000 --- --- Blood
Killer Rabbit 205 160 --- --- Blood
Kitty 75 40 420 420 Blood
Kongra 340 115 --- --- Blood
Koshei The Deathless 2000 0 --- --- Undead
Kreebosh The Exile 880 350 --- --- Blood
Larva 70 44 355 --- Venom
Lavahole 100 0 --- --- Undead
Lethal Lissy 1450 500 --- --- Blood
Leviathan 260 150 490 490 Blood
Lich 880 900 --- --- Undead
Lion 80 30 320 320 Blood
Lizard Sentinel 265 110 --- 0 Blood
Lizard Snakecharmer 325 210 --- --- Blood
Lizard Templar 410 155 --- --- Blood
Lord'Paulistinha 3500 0 --- --- Blood
Lost Soul 5800 4000 --- --- Undead
Mad Technomancer 1000 55 --- --- Blood
Magic Pillar 100 0 --- --- Undead
Magicthrower 100 0 --- --- Undead
Mahrdis 3900 3050 --- --- Undead
Mammoth 320 160 --- 500 Blood
Man in the Cave 485 555 --- --- Blood
Marid 550 410 --- --- Blood
Massacre 30000 9800 --- --- Blood
Massive Fire Elemental 1200 1400 --- --- Fire
Massive Water Elemental 1250 1100 --- --- Undead
Mechanical Fighter 420 255 --- --- Undead
Merlkin 235 145 --- --- Blood
Mimic 30 0 --- --- Undead
Minishabaal 3500 4000 --- --- Blood
Minotaur 100 50 330 330 Blood
Minotaur Archer 100 65 390 390 Blood
Minotaur Guard 185 160 550 550 Blood
Minotaur Mage 155 150 --- --- Blood
Monk 240 200 600 --- Blood
Morgaroth 55000 15000 --- --- Fire
Morguthis 4800 3000 --- --- Undead
Mr. Punish 12000 5500 --- --- Undead
Mummy 240 150 --- --- Undead
Munster 58 23 250 250 Blood
Mushroom Sniffer 250 0 --- --- Blood
Necromancer 580 580 --- --- Blood
Necropharus 750 1050 --- --- Blood
Nightmare 2700 2150 --- --- Blood
Nomad 160 60 420 420 Blood
Norgle Glacierbeard 4300 2100 --- --- Blood
Novice Of The Cult 285 100 --- --- Blood
Omruc 4300 2950 --- --- Undead
Orc 70 25 300 300 Blood
Orc Berserker 210 195 590 590 Blood
Orc Leader 450 270 640 640 Blood
Orc Rider 180 110 --- 490 Blood
Orc Shaman 115 110 --- --- Blood
Orc Spearman 105 38 310 310 Blood
Orc Warlord 950 670 --- --- Blood
Orc Warrior 125 50 360 360 Blood
Orchid Frog 60 20 --- 305 Blood
Orcus the Cruel 480 280 --- --- Blood
Orshabaal 20500 10000 --- --- Fire
Panda 80 23 300 300 Blood
Parasite 550 0 355 355 Venom
Parrot 25 0 250 250 Blood
Penguin 33 1 300 300 Blood
Phantasm 65 0 --- --- Undead
Pig 25 0 255 255 Blood
Pillar 100 0 --- --- Undead
Pirate Buccaneer 425 250 --- 595 Blood
Pirate Corsair 675 350 --- 775 Blood
Pirate Cutthroat 325 175 --- 495 Blood
Pirate Ghost 275 250 --- --- Undead
Pirate Marauder 210 125 --- 490 Blood
Pirate Skeleton 190 85 --- --- Undead
Plaguesmith 8250 4500 --- --- Venom
Plaguethrower 100 0 --- --- Undead
Poacher 90 70 --- 530 Blood
Poison Spider 26 22 270 270 Venom
Polar Bear 85 28 315 315 Blood
Priestess 390 420 --- --- Blood
Primitive 200 45 --- --- Blood
Quara Constrictor 450 250 --- 670 Blood
Quara Constrictor Scout 450 200 --- --- Blood
Quara Hydromancer 1100 800 --- --- Blood
Quara Hydromancer Scout 1100 800 --- --- Blood
Quara Mantassin 800 400 --- 480 Blood
Quara Mantassin Scout 220 100 --- --- Blood
Quara Pincher 1800 1200 --- --- Blood
Quara Pincher Scout 775 600 --- --- Blood
Quara Predator 2200 1600 --- --- Blood
Quara Predator Scout 890 400 --- --- Blood
Rabbit 15 0 220 220 Blood
Rahemos 3700 3100 --- --- Undead
Rat 20 5 200 200 Blood
Rocky 250 190 --- --- Undead
Ron the Ripper 1500 500 --- --- Blood
Rotworm 65 40 --- 305 Blood
Scarab 320 120 395 --- Venom
Scorpion 45 45 310 310 Venom
Sea Serpent 65 30 275 --- Blood
Seagull 25 0 250 --- Blood
Serpent Spawn 3000 3050 --- --- Venom
Shard Of Corruption 600 5 590 590 Undead
Sheep 20 0 250 250 Blood
Shredderthrower 100 0 --- --- Undead
Sibang 225 105 --- --- Blood
Silver Rabbit 15 0 220 220 Blood
Skeleton 50 35 300 300 Undead
Skunk 20 3 200 200 Blood
Slim 1025 580 --- --- Undead
Slime 150 160 --- --- Venom
Smuggler 130 48 390 390 Blood
Snake 15 10 205 --- Blood
Son Of Verminor 8500 5900 --- --- Venom
Spectre 1350 2100 --- --- Undead
Spider 20 12 210 210 Venom
Spirit Of Earth 1294 800 --- --- Undead
Spirit Of Fire 2210 950 --- --- Blood
Spirit Of Water 1517 850 --- --- Undead
Spit Nettle 150 20 --- --- Venom
Stalker 120 90 --- --- Blood
Stone Golem 270 160 590 590 Undead
Svoren The Mad 6300 3000 --- --- Blood
Swamp Troll 55 25 320 --- Venom
Tarantula 225 120 485 485 Venom
Terror Bird 300 150 490 490 Blood
Thalas 4100 2950 --- --- Undead
The Bloodtusk 260 150 490 490 Blood
The Dark Dancer 805 435 --- --- Blood
The Evil Eye 1200 500 --- --- Blood
The Hag 935 510 --- --- Blood
The Hairy One 325 115 --- --- Blood
The Halloween Hare 2000 0 --- --- Blood
The Handmaiden 14500 3850 --- --- Blood
The Horned Fox 265 300 --- --- Blood
The Imperor 15000 8000 --- --- Fire
The Masked Marauder 6800 3500 --- --- Blood
The Obliverator 9500 6000 --- --- Fire
The Old Widow 6000 4200 --- --- Blood
The Pit Lord 4500 2500 --- --- Blood
The Plasmother 16050 8900 --- --- Venom
Thief 60 5 --- --- Blood
Thornback Tortoise 300 150 --- 490 Blood
Thul 3000 1800 --- --- Undead
Tibia Bug 270 50 250 250 Venom
Tiger 75 40 420 420 Blood
Tiquandas Revenge 2000 1755 --- --- Venom
Toad 135 60 400 --- Blood
Tortoise 185 90 --- 445 Blood
Training Dummy 100000 0 --- --- Blood
Troll 50 20 290 290 Blood
Troll Champion 75 40 340 340 Blood
Undead Dragon 8350 7200 --- --- Undead
Undead Minion 850 550 --- 620 Undead
Valkyrie 190 85 450 450 Blood
Vampire 475 305 --- --- Blood
Vashresamun 4000 2950 --- --- Undead
War Wolf 140 55 --- 0 Blood
Warlock 3500 4000 --- --- Blood
Wasp 35 24 280 --- Venom
water elemental 550 450 --- --- Undead
Webster 1750 1200 --- --- Undead
Werewolf 1955 1900 --- --- Blood
Wild Fire Magic 1 0 --- --- Undead
Wild Fury Magic 1 0 --- --- Undead
Wild Nature Magic 1 0 --- --- Undead
Wild Warrior 135 60 420 420 Blood
Wild Water Magic 1 0 --- --- Undead
Winter Wolf 30 20 260 260 Blood
Wisp 150 120 --- --- Undead
Witch 300 120 --- --- Blood
Wolf 25 18 255 255 Blood
Wyvern 795 515 --- --- Blood
Xenia 290 255 450 450 Blood
Yeti 950 460 --- --- Blood
Zombie 500 280 --- --- Undead
Zoralurk 55000 30000 --- --- Undead
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